Yeah that's me at the moment.
Yeah that's me at the moment.
Yeah that's me at the moment.

I'm sad, hungry and poor at the moment..
sigh what a life
i always wondering when i watch a news or a Movie on TV. there are so many bullying case.
In some school there are a bullying case, in a household, in a workplace even in a relationship about a couple lover.

is it really fun to make fun other people?
can't they think if they switch position?
don't they know how much misery that the victim has?

in some case the victim has made to have a high hope to free from their misery, and after the victim think that they are free,their hope is taken down by them. and they laugh when the victim is crying.

Is it really fun?
Last night i watch a TV and saw a news about some child (not adult cos they haven't 17 yet) commit suicide.
the reason why they do that is because they fail on their last exam on school, which means that they cannot graduate from their school.

the first one is a girl, she drank a bug poison, she left her parents a mail. she said she can't live after disappointing her parents, because on her school, she's the only one who can't graduate. she thought that she has embarassing her parents.

the second one is a girl too, i don't know how she try to end her life, but her hands has some bandage and hose.

I feel sad for them, why they must choose that way to live they life. I know that i can say that because I'm not on their position, but how can the first girl think that her parents will be disappointed for their daughter.

Life must go on matter how hard you will live.
just my two cent.
Lazy,..yeah that's me..
I'm lazy person..never study and never want to study.
though i must to do it,i never want it.
though i know what the profit,i never want it.
no wonder i always fail <.<

I'm the epic fail.
i know that i can't brag about it.
but that's who i am.

Pernah denger slogan itu?
klo dulu mah sering iklannya di TV,ga tau deh sekarang (udah ga da tv dkosan,jd ga tau hehe)
nah dkosan gw terpasang tuh kabel-kabel yang terhubungkan sama layanan internet dari pemilik slogan tersebut. waktu pemasangan awal sih kita smua dkosan puas banget,karena terkadang layanan yang dkasi lebih dari yang kita bayar.
tp ntah kenapa nih ya kurang lebih selama sebulan ini, layanan yang biasa kita rasain dah ga kita rasain lagi, awalnya sih karena waktu itu ujan gede banget di Bandung, ditambah ada petir segala, Gede lagi petirnya, nah dari situ awalnya kayanya. pertama Modem dkosan rusak (hampir meledak katanya), Eh skarang malah koneksinya kaya hidup segan mati tak mau.

Seminggu yang lalu kita komplain tuh sama mereka si pemberi jasa, katanya sih udah dbenerin, salah satu teknisinya juga udah dateng ke kosan. pas orang itu dkosan, lancar jaya koneksinya, tp kurang lebih 15 menit setelah orang itu pulang,kumat deh penyakitnya.

dan sampai sekarang masih kaya gitu, kita udah nelpon lagi ke mereka, dsuruh tunggu 3x24 jam. dan sekarang udah kurang lebih 7x24 jam masi kaya gitu aja.
can we still trust to their speed if it's still like this?
Ask me anything